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J. S. Young, J. E. Baldwin, R. C. Boysen, D. F. Buscher, A. V. George, C. A. Haniff, J. Keen, D. Pearson, R. N. Tubbs, P. J. Warner, D. M. A. Wilson (University of Cambridge)
We report recent developments at the Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope (COAST). COAST now incorporates new low-noise detectors, with real-time analysis and display of the fringe data. All five telescopes are used routinely, and we have successfully operated COAST in a configuration with a 48-metre maximum baseline.
We also present the latest astronomical results from COAST, including imaging of the CH Cygni symbiotic system at multiple epochs, and the first closure phase measurements in H-alpha on the Be stars Gamma Cas and Zeta Tau.