AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 23. Outstanding Programs in Education and Public Outreach
Special Session Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 10:00-11:30am, C212-214

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[23.08] The Use of Astronomy in Research-Based Science Education

T.A. Rector, S.H. Jacoby (NOAO), J.F. Lockwood (TERC), D.W. McCarthy (Steward - Univ. of Ariz.)

NOAO facilities in Tucson, Arizona and on nearby Kitt Peak are used in support of ``The Use of Astronomy in Research Based Science Education" (RBSE), a Teacher Enhancement Program funded through the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Education and Human Resources. The RBSE program offers the research experience to middle and high school teachers during a four-week summer workshop. Within the engaging context of astronomy, RBSE participants experience how science is practiced and develop strategies for undertaking real astronomy research with their students. The RBSE experience then extends to the classroom so that the students can participate in the RBSE research projects currently ongoing at Kitt Peak. I will discuss the benefits of incorporating real astronomical research into the classroom and the successes of the RBSE program.

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