AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 23. Outstanding Programs in Education and Public Outreach

Special Session Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 10:00-11:30am, C212-214

23.01 More Than Your Eyes Can See: Outreach at the Space Infrared Telescope Facility
M. Thaller (SIRTF Science Center)
23.02 SOFIA EPO--Education Partnerships at 41,000 Feet
M.A. Bennett (Astronomical Society of the Pacific), E DeVore (SETI Institute)
23.03 From Imagination to Discovery - Engaging Minority Students in NASA's Quest for Extrasolar Life
R. Danner, R. Alvidrez (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
23.04 Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT) Project
M. J. Klein (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
23.05 The Hubble Space Telescope Education and Public Outreach Program
T. J. Teays (Space Telescope Science Institute/Computer Sciences Corporation), B. Eisenhamer, J. Eisenhamer (Space Telescope Science Institute), Amazing Space Team
23.06 Challenger Center's Window on the Universe Program
M. Bobrowsky, J. Goldstein, T. Livengood, K. Offringa, S. Richards, B. Riddle (Challenger Center for Space Science Education)
23.07 Teaching Teachers of Science
F.J. Lockman, S.A. Heatherly (NRAO, Green Bank WV)
23.08 The Use of Astronomy in Research-Based Science Education
T.A. Rector, S.H. Jacoby (NOAO), J.F. Lockwood (TERC), D.W. McCarthy (Steward - Univ. of Ariz.)
23.09 Education/Public Outreach from McDonald Observatory
M. K. Hemenway, S. Preston (McDonald Observatory, U TX-Austin)

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