AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 23. Outstanding Programs in Education and Public Outreach
Special Session Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 10:00-11:30am, C212-214

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[23.05] The Hubble Space Telescope Education and Public Outreach Program

T. J. Teays (Space Telescope Science Institute/Computer Sciences Corporation), B. Eisenhamer, J. Eisenhamer (Space Telescope Science Institute), Amazing Space Team

The Hubble Space Telescope has conducted a long-standing and vigorous program in education and public outreach. This program uses a variety of methods to reach a broad spectrum of audiences. Education products are developed in a team environment that partners educators, curriculum experts, scientists, and production experts, such as graphic artists, Web designers, programmers, and education evaluators.

A popular Web site is maintained, and has been substantially augmented in the past year. The Amazing Space program consists of a suite of online, interactive modules for use in the kindergarten through 12th grade classroom. The program is rooted in the national education standards and benefits from a robust evaluation process. The HST images and data are used to engage students in learning basic science and mathematics concepts. The activity/lessons include extensive, online assistance for educators, so that they can be readily used in the classroom.

Hardcopy products such as posters, lithographs, teacher guides, and trading cards are generally tied to online products, to provide multiple entries to the material. We also provide training for teachers in the use of our products, as appropriate.

Informal science education is supported by providing services to museums, planetariums, libraries and related institutions. The very popular ViewSpace, a computer-based video service is being used by many informal science facilities. In addition, HST has supported the creation of both permanent and traveling exhibits about HST.

The Space Telescope Science Institute operates the Hubble Space Telescope for NASA.

If you would like more information about this abstract, please follow the link to http://amazing-space.stsci.edu. This link was provided by the author. When you follow it, you will leave the Web site for this meeting; to return, you should use the Back comand on your browser.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: teays@stsci.edu

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