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S. Stevenson, J.J. Salzer (Wesleyan U.), V.L. Sarajedini (U. Florida)
The KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) is an objective-prism, line-selected survey of emission line galaxies. Since the survey is line-selected, the resulting sample is volume-limited, making KISS ideal for performing comparatively unbiased statistical studies of the local galaxy population.
We present the results of a correlation between the first two KISS catalogs and the ROSAT All-Sky Survey databases. We have made use of both the Bright Source Catalog and the Faint Source Catalog. Due to the relatively bright detection limit set by the ROSAT observations, we were able to positively identify only a small number of KISS objects with sources in the X-ray catalogs. We present detailed optical information for the 19 X-ray-detected objects in our sample. A rough H-alpha to X-ray luminosity correlation has been derived for the X-ray detected sample.
The immediate application of our observations is to provide an estimate of the contribution of Seyfert galaxies - which constitute a significant fraction of our sample - to the X-ray background. It is currently believed that most, if not all, of the diffuse X-ray background is due to unresolved point sources; therefore, a volume-limited survey such as KISS could prove invaluable in studying the nature of the XRB. We provide predictions of the X-ray luminosities for the non-X-ray-detected Seyferts in the KISS sample based on H-alpha luminosity, and use these to estimate the effect of inclusion of these data in our analysis. It is our eventual goal to obtain X-ray data for all AGNs cataloged by KISS, to accurately quantify their contribution to the X-ray background.
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