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D. A. Smith, C. Rest (STScI), SSERD Team
The Space Science Education Resource Directory (SSERD) provides a convenient way to find NASA space science products for use in K-12 classrooms, science museums, planetariums, and other settings. The SSERD and its associated product registry also serve as a cataloguing system for products created with funding from the Office of Space Science (OSS). Registered products form the basis of the OSS Annual Report on educational products, thus defining a benchmark of progress. Developers can also use the SSERD to identify subjects in need of products.
Version 1.0 of the SSERD was released in October 2000. We discuss this version of the SSERD and its associated product registry, along with results from usability tests conducted with classroom teachers. The first systematic review process for OSS educational products will also be covered.
The SSERD may be viewed online (http://teachspacescience.stsci.edu) and at the Origins Education Forum booth. The SSERD was created by the Origins Education Forum at STScI and the Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum at UC-Berkeley, on behalf of the OSS Education Support Network. Funding is provided by the OSS.
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