AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 15. Education: Projects, Techniques and Outreach

Display, Monday, June 4, 2001, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

15.01 The Space Science Education Resource Directory
D. A. Smith, C. Rest (STScI), SSERD Team
15.02 A Look Back at the AAS Small Research Grant Program - 1990-2000
K.B. Marvel (American Astronomical Society)
15.03 Project ASTRO - Tucson
C.E. Walker, S.H. Jacoby (NOAO Educational Outreach)
15.04 Astronomy 101 Student Demographics
G. L. Deming (Univ. of MD), B. Hufnagel (Anne Arundel Comm. College), K. L. Snyder, E. A. Miller (Univ. of MD)
15.05 Sunspotter Activities
M. L. West (Montclair State University)
15.06 Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education
T.A. Rector, S.H. Jacoby (NOAO), J.F. Lockwood (TERC), D.W. McCarthy (Steward - Univ. of Ariz.)
15.07 Student Ideas about the Sun
B. Hufnagel, A. D. Levenberg (Anne Arundel CC), G. L. Deming (U Md College Park)
15.08 Sun-Earth Day, 2001
M. Adams (NASA/MSFC), P. Mortfield (Stanford SOLAR Center), D.H. Hathaway (NASA/MSFC)
15.09 Student Presentations of the Astronomy Picture of the Day
W.A. Morgan, Jr. (Dickinson College)
15.10 Observing Exercises in Astronomy: An Opportunity to Incorporate a Multicultural Approach to Astronomy Education
R. L. Phelps (California State University, Sacramento)
15.11 Touch The Universe: A NASA Braille Book of Astronomy
N.A. Grice (Manchester, CT), B.B. Winchatz (Depaul University)
15.12 Introducing Showfits: A Web-Based Image Manipulation and Analysis Tool
D.M. Goldberg (Yale University)

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