AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
Session 11. Cataclysmic Variables, Novae
Display, Monday, June 4, 2001, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[11.05] XMM-Newton observations of the strongly magnetic cataclysmic variables DP Leo and WW Hor

D. Pandel, F. A. Cordova, R. E. Shirey (UC Santa Barbara), G. Ramsay, M. Cropper, K. O. Mason (MSSL), D. Kilkenny (SAAO)

We present a spectral and timing analysis of XMM-Newton data of the two eclipsing magnetic cataclysimic variables DP Leo and WW Hor. Both systems were observed during an intermediate state of accretion. Hard X-ray components were detected in both systems, while only in DP Leo a soft blackbody component was found. We study the hard and soft X-ray and optical light curves and eclipse profiles in order to constrain the geometry of the accretion regions, investigate long term changes of the accretion geometry and use the X-ray spectra to obtain the white dwarf masses.

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