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A.C. Calder, B. Fryxell, R. Rosner, L.J. Dursi, P.M. Ricker, F.X. Timmes, M. Zingale (University of Chicago), J.O. Kane, B.A. Remington (LLNL), R.P. Drake (University of Michigan), K. Olson (University of Chicago, NASA/GSFC), P. MacNeice (NASA/GSFC), H.M. Tufo (University of Chicago)
An essential part of numerical modeling is validating simulation codes with laboratory experiments that capture many of the physical processes of interest. Validation is difficult in astrophysics because the problems of interest typically encompass complex physics and involve conditions that are difficult to reproduce in a terrestrial laboratory. Laboratory astrophysics with intense lasers serves as an invaluable validation tool by providing the chance to experimentally probe environments similar to those in which complex astrophysical phenomena occur. We describe the process of validating FLASH, an adaptive mesh astrophysical simulation code for compressible, reactive flows. We present the results of validation simulations, principally simulations of laser experiments involving shock propagation through multi-layer targets performed at the Omega laser facility at the University of Rochester.
This work was supported by the DOE ASCI/Alliances program at the University of Chicago under grant No. B341495.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: calder@flash.uchicago.edu