AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 64. Laboratory Astrophysics

Display, Wednesday, June 6, 2001, 10:00am-7:00pm, Exhibit Hall

64.01 Code Validation With Laser Astrophysics Experiments
A.C. Calder, B. Fryxell, R. Rosner, L.J. Dursi, P.M. Ricker, F.X. Timmes, M. Zingale (University of Chicago), J.O. Kane, B.A. Remington (LLNL), R.P. Drake (University of Michigan), K. Olson (University of Chicago, NASA/GSFC), P. MacNeice (NASA/GSFC), H.M. Tufo (University of Chicago)
64.02 Design of Experiments to Simulate Shock-Wave Penetration of Clumpy Molecular Clouds
K. K. Dannenberg, R. P. Drake (University of Michigan), M. D. Furnish, J. D. Knudson, J. R. Asay, D. E. Hebron (Sandia National Laboratory), D. Schroen-Carey (Shafer Corporation), A. Poludnenko, A. Frank (University of Rochester), D. Arnett (University of Arizona)
64.03 A hydrodynamically unstable, spherically divergent laboratory experiment that is relevant to supernovae
R.P. Drake, P.A. Keiter (Univ. of Michigan), H.A. Robey, O.A. Hurricane, B.A. Remington, D.D. Ryutov, J.O. Kane, R.J. Wallace (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.), J. Knauer (Lab. Laser Energetics), Y. Zhang, J. Glimm (SUNY Stony Brook), J. Grove (Los Alamos Nat. Lab.), D. Arnett (Univ. of Arizona)
64.04 Development of a Laboratory Laser-Driven Radiative Blast Wave Experiment Relevant to Astrophsyics
T. Ditmire (University of Texas), M. J. Edwards, A. J. MacKinnon, J. Zweiback, D. Ryutov, B. A. Remington (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), K. Shigemori (Osaka University), K. A. Keilty, E. Liang (Rice University)
64.05 Hydrodynamics of the Eagle Nebula: the Pillars of Creation Revisited
J. O. Kane, D. D. Ryutov, B.A. Remington, S. G. Glendinning (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Marc Pound (University of Maryland), David Arnett (University of Arizona)
64.06 Jets in astrophysics and in laser experiments*
B.A. Remington, M.J. Edwards, T.S. Perry (LLNL), B.H. Wilde (LANL), J.M. Foster, P.A. Rosen (AWE), K. Shigemori (Osaka University), J.M. Stone, N.J. Turner (University of Maryland)
64.07 Laser Experiments for the Study of Hydrodynamic Issues in Supernovae
H.F. Robey, J. Kane, B.A. Remington, O. Hurricane, H. Louis, R.J. Wallace (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), R.P. Drake, P. Keiter (University of Michigan), D. Arnett (University of Arizona), J. Knauer (University of Rochester)
64.08 Recreating planetary cores with high energy lasers
G.W. Collins, P.M. Celliers, D. Hicks, A. Mackinnon, R. Cauble, S.J. Moon, L. DaSilva, B. Hammel, W. Hsing (LLNL), M. Koenig, A. Benuzzi, G. Huser (L.U.L.I., C.N.R.S. Ecole Polytechnique, France), E. Henry, D. Batani (U. Milan-Bicocca and I.N.F.M., Italy), O. Willi, J. Pasley, G. Henning (Imperial College, London, UK), P. Loubeyre, J. Eggert (C.E.A. Bruyeres, France), R. Jeanloz, K.M. Lee, L.R. Benedetti (UC, Berkeley), D. Neely, M. Notley, C. Danson (Rutherford Appleton Lab., UK)
64.09 Laboratory Experiments of High Mach Number Raditaive Jets
A. Frank, T. Gardiner, E. Blackman (University of Rochester), S. Lebedev, J. Chittenden, S. Beg, S. Bland, A. Ciardi, D. Ampleford, S. Hughes, Haines (Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College)

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