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S. Jogee (Caltech), A. Baker (MPE), S. Sakamoto (SMA), N.Z. Scoville (Caltech)
Using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO), we are
conducting a multi-transition, high-resolution survey of a
broad range of active and quiescent galactic nuclei in order
to explore the physical and dynamical conditions of their
molecular gas, and to constrain the drivers of their
activity levels. The targets have comparable distances,
their optical types range from Seyfert to LINER to
H\,II-region, and their star formation rates vary by an
order of magnitude. We trace cold, warm, and dense molecular
gas in the inner kpc with CO(1--0), C0(2--1), and HCN(1--0)
observations to address the following questions:
(1) What are the distributions and relative intensities of
CO(1--0), CO(2--1), and HCN(1--0) within and amongst AGN,
starbursts, and non-starbursts?
(2) Is HCN(1--0) a better tracer of intense star formation than CO(1--0), as
may be expected from the strong correlation between IR and
HCN luminosities claimed by Gao & Solomon (2000)?
(3) What is the relationship between gas mass fraction,
instability parameters, and nuclear type?
(4) What is the relationship betweenIs bars and concentrations of
cold and dense gas?
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: sj@astro.caltech.edu