AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 26. Galaxy Clusters and the Intergalactic Medium
Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001,
2:00-3:30pm, C106
- 26.01 A Cluster Velocity Dispersion Catalog from SDSS data
- J. Annis, G. Garzoglio, S. Kent (Fermilab), R. Kim (JHU), T. Goto (ICR, Japan), SDSS Collaboration
- 26.02 Numerical Simulations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect of Merging Galaxy Clusters
- P. L. Gomez (CMU), C. Loken (CITA), C. Cantalupo, K. Romer (CMU), J. O. Burns (Missouri), J. Peterson (CMU)
- 26.03 The Contribution of Population III to the Enrichment and Preheating of the Intracluster Medium
- M. Loewenstein (NASA/GSFC and Univ. of Maryland)
- 26.04 The SDSS Lyman-alpha power spectrum
- S. Burles (FNAL), L. Hui (Columbia), D. H. Weinberg (OSU), A. Stebbins (FNAL), D. J. Schlegel (Princeton), M. Bernardi, J. A. Frieman, M. SubbaRao, D. G. York (Chicago), SDSS Collaboration
- 26.05 O VI at intermediate redshift
- R. Simcoe, W. Sargent (Caltech), M. Rauch (OCIW)
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