AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 27. Neutron Stars, Pulsars Gamma ray Bursts

Oral, Monday, June 4, 2001, 2:00-3:30pm, C107

27.01 Decrease of r-mode gravitational radiation as a signal of the onset of superconductivity in newly formed neutron stars
D. Markovic, F.K. Lamb (Illinois), L. Rezzolla (SISSA), S.L. Shapiro (Illinois)
27.02 Atmospheres and Spectra of Strongly Magnetized Neutron Stars
W.C.G. Ho, D. Lai (Cornell University)
27.03 The X-ray Spectrum of the Rapid Burster using the Chandra HETGS
H.L. Marshall (MIT CSR), R. Rutledge (Caltech SRL), D.W. Fox, J.M. Miller (MIT CSR), R. Guerriero (US Military Academy), E. Morgan (MIT CSR), M. van der Klis (U. Amsterdam), L. Bildsten (ITP UCSB), T. Dotani (ISAS, Japan), W.H.G. Lewin (MIT CSR)
27.04 Chandra Spectra of the Vela Pulsar and Cas A Point Source
M.D. Stage, H.L. Marshall (MIT Center for Space Research), P.C. Joss (MIT), J. Madej (Warsaw University)
27.05 Reversing Phase Lags in the Burst Pulsations from Aql X-1
D.W. Fox (Caltech), M.P. Muno, W.H.G. Lewin, E.H. Morgan (M.I.T.), L. Bildsten (I.T.P., U.C. Santa Barbara)
27.06 The Luminosity, Spectra and Intensity Variability of Transiently Accreting Neutron Stars in Quiescence
R. E. Rutledge (Caltech), L. Bildsten (ITP/UCSB), E. F. Brown (U. Chicago), G. G. Pavlov (Penn State), V. E. Zavlin (MPE)
27.07 Chandra Observations of Luminous Globular Cluster X-ray Sources in M31
A.K.H. Kong, M.R. Garcia, R. Di Stefano, F. Primini, S.S. Murray (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Greiner (AIP)
27.08 Crossing Over to the Dark Side: Evidence for Source-Frame Extinction of Dark Bursts, a Large, Massive Cloud Origin for Dark Bursts, and a Dichotomy between the Star-Formation Origins of Visible and Dark Bursts.
D. E. Reichart (Caltech)
27.09 Towards a Theory of Relativistic Collisionless Shocks
S. Nikto (MIPT), M. V. Medvedev (CITA)

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