AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 7. Clusters of Galaxies and Large Scale Structure

Display, Monday, June 4, 2001, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

7.01 The Impact of Cosmic Ray Pressure Support on Cluster Cooling Flows
S.P. Oh, M. Matuszewski, R.D. Blandford (Caltech)
7.02 Detecting Voids in Galaxy Redshift Surveys
F. Hoyle, M. Vogeley (Drexel University)
7.03 A Deep, Wide-Field H\alpha Survey of Nearby Clusters of Galaxies
S. Sakai (UCLA), R.C. Kennicutt (Steward Observatory), C. Moss (Liverpool John Moore University)
7.04 Optimal Moments for the Analysis of Peculiar Velocity Surveys
H. Feldman (University of Kansas), R. Watkins (Willamette University), S.W. Chambers, A. Melott (University of Kansas)
7.05 The Local Peculiar Velocity Field
M. J. Pierce (Indiana University), R. B. Tully (University of Hawaii)
7.06 Optical-X-ray Study of the Galaxy Cluster 1E 0657
S.A. Rappoport (CASS/UC San Diego), X.J. Prochaska (Carnegie Observatories), W.H. Tucker (CASS/UCSD, Harvard CfA), P.R. Blanco (CASS/UC San Diego), L.P. David, W.R. Forman, E.E. Falco, S.S. Murray, R.H. Donnelly (Harvard CfA)

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