AAS 198th Meeting, June 2001
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 8. Normal Galaxies: Stellar Pops, ISM and Dynamics

Display, Monday, June 4, 2001, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

8.01 Andromeda's Massive Evolved Stars
N. L. King (STScI), A. A. Cole (U Mass), A. Nota (STScI)
8.02 The central region of M31 observed with XMM-Newton. Spectral properties and evolution of individual sources.
S. Trudolyubov, K. Borozdin (NIS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory), W. Priedhorsky (Los Alamos National Laboratory), R. Shirey (Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara), K. Mason, R. Soria (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK)
8.03 Chandra observations of HII regions in M33
J. McDowell, G. Fabbiano, V. Kalogera (CfA)
8.04 SQIID Imaging of the M 33 Core
E. Polomski, R. D. Gehrz, R. Humphreys, C. E. Woodward, T. J. Jones, J. Lyke, K. Eicher (University of Minnesota), S. Willner, P. Barmby, J. Huchra, S. Strom (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
8.05 Extended Red Emission in the Evil Eye Galaxy
D. Pierini, A. Majeed (UT), T.A. Boroson (NOAO), A.N. Witt (UT)
8.06 Chandra Observations of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 3184
M. Krauss, A. Zezas, P. Kaaret, R. Kilgard, M. Raley, J. McDowell, A. Prestwich (SAO)
8.07 CO and HI Maps of the Spiral Galaxies M83 and NGC 6946
L.P. Crosthwaite, J.L. Turner (UCLA), P.T.P. Ho (SAO/CFA), R.N. Martin (ASIAA)
8.08 The Resolved Stellar Population of NGC 3379
M.D. Gregg (University of California, Davis), H.C. Ferguson (STScI), D. Minniti (P Universidad Catolica de Chile), N. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire)
8.09 Metallicity Determinations from Optical Emission Line Gas in X-ray Galaxies
A. Athey, J. Bregman (U. of Michigan)
8.10 The Opacity of Galaxies
B.W. Holwerda (Space Telescope Science Institute / Kapteyn Institute), R.J. Allen (Space Telescope Science Institute), P.C. van der Kruit (Kapteyn Institute)
8.11 The Near-IR Continuum Emission in the ISM of Galaxies
N. Lu (IPAC/Caltech)
8.12 HST Observations of Fractal Dust Structure in the Central Kiloparsec of Spiral Galaxies
D.M. Elmegreen (Vassar Coll.), B.G. Elmegreen (IBM Watson Res. Ctr.), K.S. Eberwein (Vassar Coll.)
8.13 Nuclear properties of a sample of spiral galaxies from HST-STIS images
C. Scarlata (STScI and Padova), M. Stiavelli, R. van der Marel (STScI), D. Axon (University of Hertfordshire), J. Binney (Oxford University), A. Capetti (Torino), M. Carollo (Columbia University), L. Dressel (STScI), H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University), J. Gerssen (STScI), M. Hughes (University of Hertfordshire), M. Macchetto (STScI), A. Marconi (Arcetri), M. Merrfield (Nottingham University), W. Sparks (STScI), Z. Tsvetanov (Johns Hopkins University)
8.14 HST Observations of Star Formation in the Inner Resonance Ring of NGC 3081
T. Freeman (Bevill State College), G. Byrd, R. Buta (U. Alabama)
8.15 Tidal Tails and Stellar Disk Truncation
J.K. Holley-Bockelmann, J.C. Mihos (Case Western Reserve University)
8.16 Gravitational Scattering by a Massive Galactic Center
B. Terzic (Florida State University Department of Mathematics)

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