AAS 199th meeting, Washington, DC, January 2002
Session 7. Galaxies - Surveys I
Display, Monday, January 7, 2002, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[7.13] The surface density and clustering of Extremely Red Objects from the ODT survey and implications for galaxy formation.

E.J. Olding, G.B. Dalton, L.A. Moustakas, J. Booth (University of Oxford), G.A. Wegner, M.C. Gale (Dartmouth College)

We present the first results from an ongoing K-band survey covering a sub-area of the Oxford-Dartmouth Thirty Degree Survey (ODT). These initial data cover a total of 2.0 square degrees with 1795 square arcminutes at least 50% complete to a K-limit of 18.75, (including 251 square arcminutes complete to K=19.0), over three separate fields. At the detection limit of the optical R-band data imaging in the ODT data (R=25.5) we find 448 extremely red, (R-K > 6), objects, corresponding to a surface density of 0.15 per square arcminute, which show strong spatial clustering. We discuss the implications of these findings in relation to simple galaxy formation scenarios.

We acknowledge support from the UK PPARC under the Oxford Observational Cosmology rolling grant. EJO and JB acknowledge receipt of PPARC studentships.

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