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T. J. Kreidl (Northern Arizona University), D. L. Buzasi, H. L. Preston (US Air Force Academy), R. Laher, J. Catanzarite, T. Conrow (Caltech)
The star camera on board the WIRE spacecraft successfully operated as a high-precision photometry mission for some 17 months following the demise of the primary WIRE instrument. The bright roAp star \gamma Equ was chosen as the first stellar target, and was used to verify instrumental capabilities and stability. \gamma Equ was observed some 800,000 times by WIRE during the period 4 - 14 May 2001; oscillations were easily detected in spite of the extremely poor window function characteristic of WIRE at this early stage. In this paper we compare WIRE results with previous ground-based detections of oscillations in \gamma Equ.