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M. C. Neyrinck, A. J. S. Hamilton (JILA, APS, University of Colorado), N. Y. Gnedin (CASA, APS, University of Colorado)
Hamilton & Tegmark (2002) have previously measured the galaxy power spectrum from the IRAS PCSz redshift survey of infrared galaxies, extending over 4.5 decades of wavenumber. By comparing these data with the results of nested and phased N-body simulations, we try to understand how IRAS infrared-selected galaxies populate dark-matter haloes. Our findings have implications for cosmology and large-scale structure, as well as for galaxy formation.
This work was supported by NASA ATP grant NAG5-10763.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mark.neyrinck@colorado.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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