AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 86. Cosmology and IGM
Oral, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
2:00-3:30pm, Ballroom B
- 86.01 Understanding the Distribution of Infrared PSCz Galaxies with N-body Simulations
- M. C. Neyrinck, A. J. S. Hamilton (JILA, APS, University of Colorado), N. Y. Gnedin (CASA, APS, University of Colorado)
- 86.02 Cosmology from the latest CBI and BOOMERanG results
- C. R. Contaldi (CITA), CBI/BOOMERanG Collaboration
- 86.03 Cosmic Background Interferometry: A Fast Data-Analysis Pipeline
- S.T. Myers (NRAO), Cosmic Background Imager Collaboration
- 86.04 Observational Constraints on Models of Galaxy Formation
- R.I. Thompson (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)
- 86.05 Constraints on the Primordial Power Spectrum From the Reionization Epoch
- A. Venkatesan (University of Colorado, Boulder)
- 86.06D The Search for Intergalactic Hydrogen Clouds in Voids
- C. V. Manning (UC Berkeley)
- 86.07 The Epoch of Helium Reionization
- A. Sokasian, L. E. Hernquist (Harvard University), T. Abel (Penn State University)
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