AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 85. Stars: Disks, Shells and Variability
Oral, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
2:00-3:30pm, Ballroom A
- 85.01 Subarcsec Polarization Images of 86 GHz SiO Emission in Orion-IRc2
- R.L. Plambeck, M.C.H. Wright (U.C. Berkeley), R. Rao (U. Chicago)
- 85.02 Observations of HDO and DCN in circumstellar disks around the protostars LkCa 15, MWC 480 and HD 163296
- J.E. Kessler (Caltech), C. Qi (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), G.A. Blake (Caltech)
- 85.03 Mapping disks and outflow a few to 300 AU from two protostars in NGC2071
- A. C. Seth (U. of Washington), L. J. Greenhill (CfA), B. P. Holder (U. of Texas)
- 85.04D LELUYA -- the First Exact General 2D Radiative Transfer Solver
- Dejan Vinkovic (Dept. Phys. & Ast., Univ. of Kentucky), Z. Ivezic (Dept. Astrophy. Sci., Princeton University), M. Elitzur (Dept. Phys. & Ast., Univ. of Kentucky)
- 85.05 Hydrodynamics of Hydrogen Shell Burning Convective Regions in Rotating and Nonrotating Stars
- R. G. Deupree (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- 85.06 Implications of Observed Oscillation Frequencies for the delta Scuti Star FG Vir
- J.A. Guzik, P.A. Bradley (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
- 85.07 An Instability Mechanism for GW Vir Variables
- A. N. Cox (LANL)
- 85.08 The Fast Chi-Squared Period Search For Variable Stars
- D.M. Palmer (LANL)
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