AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 85. Stars: Disks, Shells and Variability

Oral, Thursday, June 6, 2002, 2:00-3:30pm, Ballroom A

85.01 Subarcsec Polarization Images of 86 GHz SiO Emission in Orion-IRc2
R.L. Plambeck, M.C.H. Wright (U.C. Berkeley), R. Rao (U. Chicago)
85.02 Observations of HDO and DCN in circumstellar disks around the protostars LkCa 15, MWC 480 and HD 163296
J.E. Kessler (Caltech), C. Qi (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), G.A. Blake (Caltech)
85.03 Mapping disks and outflow a few to 300 AU from two protostars in NGC2071
A. C. Seth (U. of Washington), L. J. Greenhill (CfA), B. P. Holder (U. of Texas)
85.04D LELUYA -- the First Exact General 2D Radiative Transfer Solver
Dejan Vinkovic (Dept. Phys. & Ast., Univ. of Kentucky), Z. Ivezic (Dept. Astrophy. Sci., Princeton University), M. Elitzur (Dept. Phys. & Ast., Univ. of Kentucky)
85.05 Hydrodynamics of Hydrogen Shell Burning Convective Regions in Rotating and Nonrotating Stars
R. G. Deupree (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
85.06 Implications of Observed Oscillation Frequencies for the delta Scuti Star FG Vir
J.A. Guzik, P.A. Bradley (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
85.07 An Instability Mechanism for GW Vir Variables
A. N. Cox (LANL)
85.08 The Fast Chi-Squared Period Search For Variable Stars
D.M. Palmer (LANL)

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