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R.F. Willson (Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Tufts U.)
Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the Sun at 20, 91 and 400 cm provide the opportunity to study the spatial location, magnetic environment and temporal evolution of nonthermal electrons that are produced during flares and related energetic events on the Sun. Here, we discuss recent VLA observations that have been combined with data obtained by the SOHO, TRACE and Wind solar missions to study the radio signatures of evolving EUV loops (SOHO EIT, TRACE), coronal mass ejections (LASCO) and interplanetary Type III bursts (Wind). For one flare and CME, VLA snapshot maps showed impulsive 20 and 91 cm burst emission that was followed during the next tens of minutes by outwardly-moving 400 cm burst emission whose evolving structure may have been casued by changes in the coronal magnetic fields along which the energetic particles travel. This event was also detected by the WAVES experiment on the Wind satellite which showed intense, fast-drifting interplanetary Type II bursts following the metric and decimetric event detected by the VLA. On this and other days, we also find evidence for depressions in the intensity of Type I noise storms in the same or nearby active region and which may be attributed to flare-initiated heating of the radio source plasma or by passage of the CME. This research was funded by a grant from the American Astronomical Society's Small Research Grant program.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.