AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 37. CMEs and Prominences

Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002, 10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall

37.01 Understanding Magnetic Eruptions on the Sun and their Interplanetary Consequences - The Solar MURI Project.
G. H. Fisher (UC Berkeley), Solar MURI Team
37.02 Solar Energetic Particle Production by Shocks in Fast and Slow Solar Wind Structures
S.W. Kahler (Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate), D.V. Reames (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), N.R. Sheeley, Jr. (Naval Research Laboratory)
37.03 Relationship Between DH Type II Radio Bursts and Energetic Particle Events
A.M. Rosas (CUA), N. Gopalswamy, M.L. Kaiser (NASA/GSFC)
37.04 Properties of coronal mass ejections and relationship with solar flares
S. Yashiro (CSPSW, CUA), N. Gopalswamy (NASA/GSFC), G. Michalek (CSPSW, CUA), R.A. Howard (NRL)
37.05 Prominence Eruptions and CMEs: A Statistical Study
N. Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), M. Shimojo (Nobeyama Radio Observatory), S. Yashiro (The Catholic University of America), K. Shibasaki (Nobeyama Radio Observatory)
37.06 Signatures of CMEs in HeI 1083 nm Images and Estimation of ICME Bz Direction
J. W. Harvey (National Solar Observatory), K. L. Harvey (Solar Physics Research Corporation), C. J. Henney (National Solar Observatory)
37.07 Halo CMEs in the Ultraviolet
J.C. Raymond (Center for Astrophysics), A. Ciaravella (Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo), A.A. van Ballegooijen (Center for Astrophysics)
37.08 Can EIT Waves be used to Predict Halo CME Properties?
D.A. Biesecker (L-3 Com Analytics Corp./NASA-GSFC), B.J. Thompson (NASA-GSFC)
37.09 Doppler Detection of Material Outflows from Coronal Intensity ``Dimming Regions'' During Coronal Mass Ejection Onset
A. Sterling (NASA/MSFC/UAT), Louise Harra (Mullard Space Science Lab.)
37.10 Interaction of dust grains with CMEs in the F corona
B. R. Ragot (Astronomy Department, University of Texas, Austin), S. W. Kahler (Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Division)
37.11 Statistical Correlations Between Solar Microwave Bursts and Coronal Mass Ejections
B. L. Dougherty, H. Zirin (Caltech)
37.12 VLA Observations of Metric and Decimetric Burst Activity In Association With Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
R.F. Willson (Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Tufts U.)
37.13 He I 1083nm Spectra of an Erupting Prominence
M.J. Penn (National Solar Observatory)
37.14 On the asymmetry of the sudden disappearances of solar filaments
S. Pojoga, T-S Huang (Prairie View Solar Observatory)
37.15 The Origin of Mass, Magnetic Flux, and Magnetic Helicity in a Solar Prominence
J. Chae (Chungnam National University), H. S. Yun (Seoul National University), Y.-J. Moon, H. Wang, P. Goode (BBSO/NJIT)
37.16 Magnetic Helicity Injection By Transient Photospheric Shear Flows in Flares and Prominences
H. S. Yun (Seoul National University), J. Chae (Chungnam National University), Y.-J. Moon (BBSO/NJIT, KAO), H. Wang, P. R. Goode (BBSO/NJIT)
37.17 A Periodic Motion within a Solar Filament
J. Jing (BBSO/NJIT), J. Lee (NJIT), T. Spirock, Y. Xu, H. Wang (BBSO/NJIT)
37.18 Transverse Prominence Motions from 10,000-250,000 K
T.A. Kucera (NASA/GSFC), M. Tovar (California State Northridge), B. De Pontieu (Lockheed-Martin)
37.19 Constraints placed by thermal nonequilibrium on the topology of prominence magnetic fields
J. Karpen, S. K. Antiochos (NRL), P. MacNeice (Drexel U.)
37.20 Simulations of Interactions and Magnetic Reconnection Between Solar Filaments
C. R. DeVore, S. K. Antiochos (Naval Research Laboratory), G. Aulanier (Observatoire de Meudon)

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