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D.A. Biesecker (L-3 Com Analytics Corp./NASA-GSFC), B.J. Thompson (NASA-GSFC)
A recent paper by Biesecker et al (2002) showed that EIT waves are correlated with Coronal Mass Ejections. Not all CME's produce EIT waves, but all EIT waves have associated CME's. If one assumes that an EIT wave is a response to the initiation of a CME, then there may be circumstances where EIT wave properties would be related to CME properties. EIT waves have been modelled as fast magnetosonic waves. Thus, their propagation speed across the solar disk depends on the local magnetic field and density and one would not expect a correlation between EIT wave speeds and CME properties, such as speed or intensity. On the other hand, one might expect the intensity of the EIT wave to be related to CME properties. If such an association can be found, then observations of EIT waves at disk center will give information about Earth directed CME's which is currently hard to determine. This work examines EIT waves initiated at large distances from disk center, so that the associated CME's are well observed. EIT wave speeds and intensities are compared to CME speed, intensity and other properties, such as kinetic energy.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.