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S. Yashiro (CSPSW, CUA), N. Gopalswamy (NASA/GSFC), G. Michalek (CSPSW, CUA), R.A. Howard (NRL)
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with flares are thought to be faster than those associated with filament eruptions. However, Hundhausen (1997) examined that the relationship between CME kinetic energy and X-ray flare peak intensity, and found that there is only a weak correlation. We have measured the speed, size, location, and acceleration of more than 4000 CMEs observed by the SOHO LASCO Coronagraph from January 1996 through December 2001, providing a good opportunity to revisit the relationship between CMEs and flares. We identified flare-CME pairs as follows: Since the field of view of the LASCO C2 coronagraph limited to heliocentric distances over 2 solar radii (Ro), we cannot obtain the CME start time accurately. So, we assume that the CMEs start from 1 Ro, and estimate the start time from their height-time trajectories. Then, we looked for CMEs that occurred within flare impulsive phase. This way, we found 239 flare-CME pairs. We found a weak correlation between the CME speed and flare X-ray peak flux (correlation coefficient = 0.52). When we isolated the limb events (based on the solar source of the CMEs), we found the correlation to be poorer (0.44). We compare our results with those of Hundhausen.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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