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C. A. Grady (Eureka Scientific, NOAO, and GSFC), B. Woodgate (NASA's GSFC), K. Stapelfeldt (JPL), D. Padgett (SIRTF Science Center ), B. Stecklum (Thuringer Landessternewarte Tautenburg, Germany), T. Henning (AIU and University Observatory, Jena, Germany), V. Grinin (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine), A. Quirrenbach (UCSD), M. Clampin (STScI), E. Wassel (Catholic University of America), J. Rhodes (NRC and GSFC), P. Paliunas (University of Texas, Austin), J. Brinkmann (Apache Point Observatory and NMSU)
We present white-light and narrow-band [S II] coronagraphic imagery of the disk and bipolar microjet associated with the classical T Tauri star DL Tau and the bipolar outflow associated with the classical T Tauri star CW Tau. The STIS coronagraphic imagery for DL Tau reveal the presence of a disk with azimuthally symmetric dark lanes several hundred AU from the star, in addition to a bipolar microjet extending 6" (840 AU) from the star. Narrow-band [S II] coronagraphic imagery obtained with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m telescope and the Goddard Fabry-Perot as well as HST/WFPC/2 R-band direct imagery demonstrate that the outflow has the emission-line features expected of low excitation HH objects. HST/STIS white-light coronagraphic imagery of CW Tau detect the approaching microjet, while the APO/Goddard Fabry-Perot imagery demonstrates that the microjet is associated with a large-scale bipolar outflow which can be traced at least 1.7' (0.07 pc) from the star.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: cgrady@echelle.gsfc.nasa.gov
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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