AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 71. Stellar Youth: Tomorrow's Degenerates
Display, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
9:20am-4:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 71.01 The Necessary Condition for Star Formation
- E. M. Gregersen, R. Pudritz, C. Wilson (McMaster University), G Moriarty-Schieven (JAC)
- 71.02 The Physical Conditions for Massive Star Formation: Dust Continuum Maps and Modeling
- K. E. Mueller, Y. L. Shirley, N. J. Evans II, H. R. Jacobson (Uni. of Texas)
- 71.03 A Laboratory Plasma Experiment for Studying Magnetic Dynamics of Accretion Disks and Jets
- S. C. Hsu, P. M. Bellan (Caltech)
- 71.04 Internal Gravity Wave in Accretion Disks and its Coupling with Magnetorotational Instability
- K. Noguchi (T-CNLS, LANL), H. Li (X-1, LANL), T. Tajima (SLAC, Stanford Univ.)
- 71.05 GM Auriagae's Circumstellar Disk: Multiwavelength Observations and Radiation Transfer Models
- K. Wood (St Andrews), D. Koerner (Penn), B. Whitney (SSI), G. Schneider (Arizona), K. Stassun (Wisconsin), J. Bjorkman (Toledo)
- 71.06 Vibrationally Excited Molecular Lines as a Tracer for Accretion Disk Structure
- C. Groppi, C. Walker, C. Kulesa (Steward Observatory)
- 71.07 Wave Excitation in Accretion Disks by Protoplanets
- J. Koller, H. Li (LANL)
- 71.08 Disks and Halos in Pre-Main-Sequence Stars
- M. Elitzur, D. Vinkovic (Dept. Phy &i Ast, University of Kentucky), A.S. Miroshnichenko (Dept. Phy & Ast, University of Toledo), Z. Ivezic (Dept. Astrophy. Sci., Princeton University)
- 71.09 Testing Pre-Main-Sequence Stellar Evolution Theory: Discovery and Analysis of a Young, Low-Mass Eclipsing Binary
- K.G. Stassun, N. Stroud, R.D. Mathieu (University of Wisconsin)
- 71.10 FU Orionis Systems in the Infrared
- E. Polomski, C. W. Woodward (Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota), D. H. Wooden (NASA Ames Research Center, Space Science Division), T. J. Jones (Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota)
- 71.11 Pre-mainsequence candidates among F stars with uvby and 2MASS photometry
- A. A. Suchkov (STScI)
- 71.12 Absolute Component Masses in the Young Binary UZ Tau E
- L. Prato (UCLA), M. Simon (SUNY Stony Brook), I. S. McLean (UCLA), T. Mazeh (Tel Aviv University)
- 71.13 Near-IR Model Images of Disks and Envelopes
- D.P. Stark (University of Wisconsin), B.A. Whitney (Space Science Institute), K.G. Stassun (University of Wisconsin), K. Wood (St. Andrews University)
- 71.14 The Star-Formation History and Accretion Disk Census of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the LCC and UCL Subgroups of Sco-Cen
- E.E. Mamajek, M.R. Meyer, J.W. Liebert (Steward Obs.)
- 71.15 A Survey Of High Mass Protostellar Objects for Evidence of Infall
- G.A. Fuller, S.J. Williams (UMIST), T.K. Sridharan (CfA)
- 71.16 Spectral Energy Distributions of Protostars in 2-D Geometries
- B. A. Whitney (Space Science Institute), K. Wood (St. Andrews University), J. E. Bjorkman (University of Toledo)
- 71.17 The Velocity Structures in Protostellar Cores
- J.-E. Lee, C. H. Young (University of Texas at Austin), J. Di Francesco (University of California at Berkeley), H. Jacobson, N. J. Evans II (University of Texas at Austin)
- 71.18 A late-type Herbig Ae Star: HD 144432
- M.R. Perez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), M.E. van den Ancker (Center for Astrophysics), D. de Winter (TNO-TPD), B.W. Bopp (The University of Toledo)
- 71.19 Disks around HAEBE stars
- G. Sandell (USRA), D.A. Weintraub (Vanderbilt)
- 71.20 Circumstellar disks in T Tauri binary systems
- R.L. Akeson (ISC/Caltech), E.L.N. Jensen (Swarthmore College)
- 71.21 Coronagraphic Imaging of DL Tau and CW Tau with HST/STIS and the Goddard Fabry-Perot at Apache Point Observatory
- C. A. Grady (Eureka Scientific, NOAO, and GSFC), B. Woodgate (NASA's GSFC), K. Stapelfeldt (JPL), D. Padgett (SIRTF Science Center ), B. Stecklum (Thuringer Landessternewarte Tautenburg, Germany), T. Henning (AIU and University Observatory, Jena, Germany), V. Grinin (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine), A. Quirrenbach (UCSD), M. Clampin (STScI), E. Wassel (Catholic University of America), J. Rhodes (NRC and GSFC), P. Paliunas (University of Texas, Austin), J. Brinkmann (Apache Point Observatory and NMSU)
- 71.22 Water Masers and YSOs in H~II Regions - A Continuing Survey
- K.R. Healy (Arizona State University), M.J. Claussen (NRAO), J.J. Hester (Arizona State University)
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