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M.R. Perez (Los Alamos National Laboratory), M.E. van den Ancker (Center for Astrophysics), D. de Winter (TNO-TPD), B.W. Bopp (The University of Toledo)
Only since HD 144432 (SAO 184124, He 3-1141, IRAS 160380-2735) was first identified as a possible Herbig Ae star by Oudmaijer et al. (1992), this southern emission-line object has received considerable attention due to its relative brightness (V~8.17), its late spectral type and the relative isolation from a bona-fide star formation region. The star HD 144432 is a late A-type or perhaps an early F-type star with all the known signatures of being a young object. Because of its relatively late spectral type, along with a very small and rare group of objects, represents a unique bridge toward the less-massive T Tauri stars.
We present a collection of archival and original data on HD 144432, ranging from optical photometry, and ultraviolet to near-infrared spectroscopic data. This object, as many massive pre-main sequence objects or Herbig Ae/Be stars, have the potential of harboring embryonic proto-planetary material in its surroundings. We also analyze some possible scenarios of its current status and evolution.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: mrperez@lanl.gov
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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