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C. A. Young (L-3 Comm. (NASA/GSFC)), S. E. Gregory (Stanford University (NASA/GSFC)), D. C. Myers (L-3 Comm. (NASA/GSFC))
Many advances in image processing techniques have occurred in the past decade. Many of these methods are well suited for solar image analysis. Multiscale and Multiresolution methods are perhaps the most promising. These methods have been used to model the human ability to view and comprehend phenomena on different scales. Thus, these techniques can be used to quantify the imaging processing done by the observers eyes and brains. In this work we present multiscale techniques applied to solar image data. Specifically, we use the 2-d wavelet transform and related transforms to reduce noise in weak signals, estimate image backgrounds and better identify significant features in EIT, LASCO, MDI and TRACE images.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: alex.young@gsfc.nasa.gov
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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