AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 55. Solar Data Analysis and Calibration

Display, Wednesday, June 5, 2002, 10:00am-7:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall

55.01 A Method for Measuring the Image Distortion in the GONG Solar Telescopes
J.J. Sudol, J.W. Harvey, C.G. Toner (Global Oscillation Network Group, National Solar Observatory)
55.02 The Point Spread Function of the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope
D. E. McKenzie (Montana State University), S. Gburek (Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences), L. W. Acton, P. C. Martens (Montana State University)
55.03 Calibration of the LASCO C3 Coronal Images
J. Morrill, D. Biesecker, A. Esfandiari, C. Korendyke, D. Moses, N. Rich, A. Vourlidas, D. Wang, R. A. Howard (E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory), P. Lamy, A. Llebaria, A. Thernisien (Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille)
55.04 Extreme Ultraviolet Flux and Sensitivity Changes in TRACE Images
T.D. Tarbell, R.W. Nightingale (LMSAL)
55.05 Ultraviolet Flat Fields, Sensitivity Changes, and Their Removal from TRACE Images
R.W. Nightingale, T.D. Tarbell (LMSAL)
55.06 Sensitivity of MOSES to Chromospheric Spectral Line Profiles
C. C. Kankelborg (Montana State University)
55.07 Forward Modeling of MOSES Response to the Solar Atmosphere
M. J. S. Cirtain, C. C. Kankelborg (Physics Department, Montana State University), M. Reiser (Physics Department, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point)
55.08 A Parametric Inversion Technique for MOSES Data
J. L. Fox, C. C. Kankelborg (Montana State University)
55.09 Preliminary Analysis of Stokes Profiles via the Levenberg-Marquardt Method at the San Fernando Observatory
J.A. Ceja, S.R. Walton (California State University Northridge)
55.10 Linking to On-Line Solar Photometric Data at the San Fernando Observatory
A.M. Cookson, S.R. Walton, D.K. Fulton (SFO/CSUN)
55.11 On the Universality of the Leading Orders of PCA. Spectral Eigenprofiles for the Sun.
A. Skumanich, A. López Ariste (HAO-NCAR)
55.12 An Improved Calibration for Obtaining Intensity and Line-of-Sight Velocity Using MLSO/CHIP He I 1083 nm Observations
J.A. Darnell, A.L. Stanger, T.E. Holzer, D. Elmore, H.R. Gilbert, G. Detoma, J.T. Burkepile (High Altitude Observatory/NCAR)
55.13 High Precision Orthogonal Decomposition of the Solar Limb Darkening
R. W. Meisner, M. P. Rast (High Altitude Observatory - The National Center for Atmospheric Research)
55.14 Stokes Inversion Techniques for the SOLIS-VSM
C.J. Henney, C.U. Keller (NSO), H.P. Jones (NASA's GSFC), SOLIS Team
55.15 Application of Multiscale Methods to Solar Image Data
C. A. Young (L-3 Comm. (NASA/GSFC)), S. E. Gregory (Stanford University (NASA/GSFC)), D. C. Myers (L-3 Comm. (NASA/GSFC))

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