AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 55. Solar Data Analysis and Calibration
Display, Wednesday, June 5, 2002,
10:00am-7:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 55.01 A Method for Measuring the Image Distortion in the GONG Solar Telescopes
- J.J. Sudol, J.W. Harvey, C.G. Toner (Global Oscillation Network Group, National Solar Observatory)
- 55.02 The Point Spread Function of the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope
- D. E. McKenzie (Montana State University), S. Gburek (Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences), L. W. Acton, P. C. Martens (Montana State University)
- 55.03 Calibration of the LASCO C3 Coronal Images
- J. Morrill, D. Biesecker, A. Esfandiari, C. Korendyke, D. Moses, N. Rich, A. Vourlidas, D. Wang, R. A. Howard (E. O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, Naval Research Laboratory), P. Lamy, A. Llebaria, A. Thernisien (Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseille)
- 55.04 Extreme Ultraviolet Flux and Sensitivity Changes in TRACE Images
- T.D. Tarbell, R.W. Nightingale (LMSAL)
- 55.05 Ultraviolet Flat Fields, Sensitivity Changes, and Their Removal from TRACE Images
- R.W. Nightingale, T.D. Tarbell (LMSAL)
- 55.06 Sensitivity of MOSES to Chromospheric Spectral Line Profiles
- C. C. Kankelborg (Montana State University)
- 55.07 Forward Modeling of MOSES Response to the Solar Atmosphere
- M. J. S. Cirtain, C. C. Kankelborg (Physics Department, Montana State University), M. Reiser (Physics Department, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point)
- 55.08 A Parametric Inversion Technique for MOSES Data
- J. L. Fox, C. C. Kankelborg (Montana State University)
- 55.09 Preliminary Analysis of Stokes Profiles via the Levenberg-Marquardt Method at the San Fernando Observatory
- J.A. Ceja, S.R. Walton (California State University Northridge)
- 55.10 Linking to On-Line Solar Photometric Data at the San Fernando Observatory
- A.M. Cookson, S.R. Walton, D.K. Fulton (SFO/CSUN)
- 55.11 On the Universality of the Leading Orders of PCA. Spectral Eigenprofiles for the Sun.
- A. Skumanich, A. López Ariste (HAO-NCAR)
- 55.12 An Improved Calibration for Obtaining Intensity and Line-of-Sight Velocity Using MLSO/CHIP He I 1083 nm Observations
- J.A. Darnell, A.L. Stanger, T.E. Holzer, D. Elmore, H.R. Gilbert, G. Detoma, J.T. Burkepile (High Altitude Observatory/NCAR)
- 55.13 High Precision Orthogonal Decomposition of the Solar Limb Darkening
- R. W. Meisner, M. P. Rast (High Altitude Observatory - The National Center for Atmospheric Research)
- 55.14 Stokes Inversion Techniques for the SOLIS-VSM
- C.J. Henney, C.U. Keller (NSO), H.P. Jones (NASA's GSFC), SOLIS Team
- 55.15 Application of Multiscale Methods to Solar Image Data
- C. A. Young (L-3 Comm. (NASA/GSFC)), S. E. Gregory (Stanford University (NASA/GSFC)), D. C. Myers (L-3 Comm. (NASA/GSFC))
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