AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 56. Solar Instrumentation
Display, Wednesday, June 5, 2002,
10:00am-7:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 56.01 The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) Site Survey
- F. Hill, J. Briggs, R. Radick, S. Hegwer (NSO)
- 56.02 The ATST Site Survey: Instrumentation and Performance
- R. R. Radick (Air Force Research Laboratory), J. W. Briggs, S. Fletcher, L. Wilkins (National Solar Observatory)
- 56.03 Solar Seeing Measurements at the Fuxian Lake Observatory
- J. M. Beckers (University of Chicago), Zhong Liu (Yunnan Astronomical Observatory)
- 56.04 The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager for the Solar Dynamics Observatory
- P.H. Scherrer (Stanford University), SDO/HMI Team
- 56.05 The Solar Bolometric Imager
- P. N. Bernasconi (JHU/ Applied Physics Laboratory), P. Foukal (CRI, Inc.), D. M. Rust (JHU/ Applied Physics Laboratory)
- 56.06 SHARPI: Solar High Angular Resolution Photometric Imager
- D. Rabin, J. Davila, D. Content, R. Keski-Kuha (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), S. Michael (U. Maryland)
- 56.07 A New Diagnostic Technique for the Solar Corona
- J. M. Davila (NASA-GSFC), R. Nelson, O. C. St. Cyr (CUA)
- 56.08 Investigation of the Sources of Irradiance Variation on the Sun (ISIS)
- B. J. LaBonte, P. N. Bernasconi, D. Rust (JHU/APL), P. Foukal (CRI), H. Hudson (UCB/SSL), H. Spruit (MPA-Garching)
- 56.09 The Reconnection and Microscale (RAM) Mission
- J.A. Bookbinder, E.E. DeLuca, L. Golub (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 56.10 Preliminary tests of a low-cost solar infrared adaptive optics system
- S. M. Ammons (Duke University), C.U. Keller (NSO/NOAO)
- 56.11 Inference of Solar Vector Magnetic Fields with Filtergraph Instruments
- J. D. Graham, B. W. Lites, A. López Ariste, A. Norton, H. Socas-Navarro, S. Tomczyk (High Altitude Observatory)
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