AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 57. Living with a Star
Display, Wednesday, June 5, 2002,
10:00am-7:00pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 57.01 An Analysis of Hysteresis Effects in Solar Activity Variation
- K. T. Bachmann, K. Nautiyal, V. te Velde (Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics)
- 57.02 The Curious Behavior of the Secondary Maximum for Solar Cycle 23
- H.E. Coffey, E.H. Erwin (NOAA NGDC)
- 57.03 Coronal Holes and Polar Crown Filaments During Polar Reversals
- P. S. McIntosh (HelioSynoptics)
- 57.04 Comparing Sunspot Area and Sunspot Number as Proxies for Long-term Solar Irradiance Variation
- S. D. Jordan (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD), A. G. Garcia (Coimbra Solar Observatory, Coimbra, Portugal)
- 57.05 EUV Irradiance Variations Measured with the SOHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer over 4 Years of Solar Cycle 23
- W. T. Thompson (L3 Com Analytics Corp., NASA/GSFC)
- 57.06 Predicting Total Solar Irradiance Using Sunspot Deficit Only
- D.G. Preminger, S.R. Walton (San Fernando Observatory, Cal State Northridge)
- 57.07 Solar Irradiance Observations during Solar Cycles 22 and 23
- O. R. White, G. de Toma (NCAR/HAO), G. A. Chapman, S. R. Walton, D. G. Preminger, A. M. Cookson (CSUN/SFO), K. L. Harvey (SPRC), W. C. Livingston (NSO/NOAO)
- 57.08 Solar Irradiance Variability - comparison of models and observations
- P. A. Fox (HAO/NCAR)
- 57.09 The Contribution of Faculae and Network to Long Term Changes in the Total Solar Irradiance
- S.R. Walton, D.G. Preminger, G.A. Chapman (San Fernando Observatory, Cal State Northridge)
- 57.10 Growth and Decay of Solar Active Regions
- J.J. Dobias, G. A. Chapman, A.M. Cookson, D.G. Preminger, S.R. Walton (SFO/CSUN)
- 57.11 Simulating the Evolution of the Large-Scale Magnetic Field over Many Solar Cycles
- J. L. Lean, Y. -M. Wang (Naval Research Laboratory)
- 57.12 Solar cycle variations in corona
- E. E. Benevolenskaya (Stanford University)
- 57.13 A theoretical model for O+5 (O+7) ions in the fast solar wind
- Y. Chen, R. Esser (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Y. Hu (University of Science and Technology of China)
- 57.14 A Magnetohydrodynamic Test of the Wang-Sheeley Model
- S. A. Ledvina, W. P. Abbett, J. G. Luhmann (Space Sciences Lab, University of California, Berkeley)
- 57.15 Empirical densities, kinetic temperatures, and outflow velocities in the equatorial streamer belt at solar minimum
- L. Strachan, R. Suleiman, A. V. Panasyuk (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), D. A. Biesecker (NASA/GSFC and Emergent IT), J. L. Kohl (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
- 57.16 SOHO/SUMER Measurements of the Solar Coronal Helium Abundance
- J. M. Laming, U. Feldman (NRL)
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