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J. L. Fox, C. C. Kankelborg (Montana State University)
MOSES (the Multi-Order Slitless EUV Spectrograph) will be capable of simultaneous 2-D imaging and spectroscopy of the solar transition region at high spatial and temporal resolution. The MOSES data are a convolution of spatial and spectral variables. To obtain an image cube, in coordinates (x,y,\lambda), one must solve an ill-posed inverse problem. We describe and implement an approach which parameterizes the image cube in terms of spectral line moments. We use the inversion code to recover test data obtained from SERTS 95 which has been processed through a forward model of the MOSES instrument response, and evaluate the performance of this parametric inversion technique.
This work is funded by NASA Grant NAG5-10997.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: fox@physics.montana.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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