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S. M. Linder (Cardiff University)
Galaxies will make a substantial contribution to the extragalactic background of Lyman continuum photons at low redshifts if a few percent of the UV photons escape from star-forming galaxies. Thus the gas surrounding galaxies and in the intergalactic medium will be exposed to varying amounts of ionizing radiation depending upon the properties and number density of the nearby galaxies. The ionizing background can be recalculated at any point within a simulation (Linder 2000, ApJ, 529, 644) by adding the flux from the galaxies to a uniform quasar contribution. By simulating fluctuations in the ionizing background we explore implications for sharp HI edges in disc galaxies, for the neutral column density distribution of Lyman limit absorbers, and for the nature of Ly-alpha absorbers.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
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