AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 40. Evolution of Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, IGM
Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002,
10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 40.01 The Ages of Early-Type Galaxies at Redshifts of z~1-2
- M. J. Wolf, K. Gebhardt (Univ. of Texas at Austin), G. J. Hill (McDonald Observatory / Univ. of Texas at Austin)
- 40.02 Deep X-ray Surveys and the X-ray Evolution of Galaxies
- R.E. Griffiths, T. Miyaji (Carnegie Mellon University), D. Lumb (ESTEC)
- 40.03 Statistical and Physical Factors that Influence the Correlation Between Far-Infrared and Radio Continuum Emission in Galaxies
- J. Mazzarella (Caltech, IPAC), S. Lefranc (IfA, U. Hawaii), B. Madore (Caltech, IPAC & OCIW), G. Helou (Caltech, IPAC/SSC)
- 40.04 Near-Infrared Properties of the KISS Emission-Line Galaxies
- S. M. Chung, A. Jangren, J. J. Salzer (Wesleyan U.)
- 40.05 Spectroscopic Properties of a Large Sample of KISS Emission-Line Galaxy Candidates
- A. Jangren, J. J. Salzer (Wesleyan University), G. Wegner (Dartmouth College), C. Gronwall (Johns Hopkins University), J. Melbourne (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- 40.06 The Bivariate Brightness Distribution of Galaxies as a Function of Spectral Type.
- N.J.G Cross (St. Andrews, JHU), S.P. Driver (St. Andrews, ANU), D.J. Lemon, J. Liske (St. Andrews), W.J. Couch (UNSW), 2dFGRS Team
- 40.07 The Las Campanas Nearby Cluster Survey: II. Galaxy Luminosity Functions from Deep Spectroscopic Samples
- D. Christlein, A.I. Zabludoff (Steward Observatory)
- 40.08 Distant Disk Galaxies: Kinematics and Evolution to Redshift z = 1.3
- N. P. Vogt (New Mexico State University), A. C. Phillips (University of California, Santa Cruz), Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe (DEEP) Collaboration, European Network on the Formation and Evolution of Galaxies (TMR) Collaboration
- 40.09 A search for molecular gas at the far end of the Hubble sequence
- T. Boeker (STScI), U. Lisenfeld (IAA), E. Schinnerer (Caltech)
- 40.10 Hot Gas in Sprial-Rich Galaxy Groups as the Missing Link?
- D. Burstein (Arizona State University), G. R. Blumenthal (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- 40.11 A New Extremely Low-Metallicity Galaxy Discovered in the SDSS
- A. Y. Kniazev, E. K. Grebel (MPIA), L. Hao, M. A. Strauss (Princeton U.)
- 40.12 Interacting/merging pairs in the SDSS EDR
- S. S. Allam (NRIAG), D. L. Tucker (Fermilab)
- 40.13 Survey and analysis of QSO fields with known z ~3 Damped Lyman \alpha systems
- J. Cooke, A. M. Wolfe, E. Gawiser (CASS, UCSD), J. X. Prochaska (Carnegie Obs.)
- 40.14 Galaxies as Fluctuations in the Ionizing Background Radiation at Low Redshift
- S. M. Linder (Cardiff University)
- 40.15 Identifying Moderate Redshift Damped Lyman-alpha Galaxies
- L.J. Storrie-Lombardi, M. Lacy (SIRTF Science Center ), R.H. Becker (IGPP/LLNL, U.C. Davis)
- 40.16 Ages and Metallicities of Extragalactic Globular Clusters and Galaxies from Near-UV Spectra
- R. C. Peterson (Astrophysical Advances and UCO/Lick), B. W. Carney (U North Carolina), B. Dorman (Emergent IT), W. Landsman (SSAI), E. M. Green, J. Liebert (U Arizona), R. W. O'Connell, R. T. Rood (U Virginia)
- 40.17 Dust Attenuation in Lyman Break Galaxies
- U. P. Vijh, A. N. Witt (University of Toledo), K. D. Gordon (University of Arizona)
- 40.18 Science from the refurbished FOS/BLUE archive: Interstellar absorption lines in a sample of low red-shift quasars
- F. Kerber (ST-ECF), B. Wills (UT, Austin), A. Alexov, P. Bristow (ST-ECF), A. Seifarth (Univ. Jena), M.R. Rosa (ST-ECF)
- 40.19 Spectral Evidence for Widespread Galaxy Outflows at z>4
- B. Frye (Princeton University), T. Benitez (Johns Hopkins), T. Broadhurst (Hebrew University)
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