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G. Cecil (UNC-CH), S. Veilleux (U. Maryland), B. Groves, M. Dopita (Australian National University)
Flows in both galaxies reach 2000 km/s wrt galaxy rest several arcsecs outside the nucleus. WFPC2 images (Cecil et al 2001, ApJ, 555, 338) resolved the 12\arcsec (1.2 kpc) diameter nuclear superbubble of NGC 3079 into 4 narrow, twisted towers of optical-line emitting filaments; we also posited a spatially extended nuclear jet. We report here our analysis of a recently archived exposure made with ACIS/Chandra. The nucleus shows the Fe complex, arguing for an AGN power source rather than starburst. We find that at 1\farcs5 FWHM resolution, X-rays coincide within ±0\farcs5 with the towers of optical filaments. The counterbubble visible in radio but obscured by the galaxy disk is also detected at its base in X-rays. The optical filament towers start at the galaxy disk and are known to be rising at large space velocity, so are not overrun halo clouds. The tight correlation between optical line- and X-ray emissions suggests that X-rays either form at the cooling interface with shocked wind, or are standoff bow shocks upstream of disk ejecta in an otherwise unimpeded wind. A proposed longer ACIS exposure with twofold better angular resolution would distinguish between these scenarios, and would provide spectra to further constrain the dynamics of the X-ray gas.
For NGC 1068, we present our analysis of several parallel STIS NUV+FUV spectra that span the radio jet and spatially compact yet broadline (2500 km/s) line-emitting knots adjacent to the NLR cloud complexes (Cecil et al 2002, ApJ, April 1). We correlate variations in UV line fluxes with filament kinematics mapped with STIS [O III]+H\beta line profiles as well as by spectra taken during science verification of the integral-field unit (IFU) on the Gemini-N Multi-Object Spectrometer (GMOS) (0\farcs48 FWHM). The IFU spectra show the great potential for studies with large telescopes of fainter but critical diagnostic lines across spatially complex flows.
This work is supported by NASA GTO grants.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.