AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 5. AGN and Quasars
Display, Monday, June 3, 2002,
9:20am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 5.01 Spectropolarimetry of the Seyfert Galaxies NGC~1365 and NGC~3393
- L. E. Kay (Barnard Coll., Columbia Univ.), H. D. Tran (Johns Hopkins Univ.), A. M. Magalhaes (IAG, Univ. Saõ Paulo)
- 5.02 Identification of AGN in the GOODS Fields
- E.T. Chatzichristou, C.M. Urry (Yale University, Physics Dept.), R. Nichol (Carnegie Mellon Univ., Physics Dept.)
- 5.03 The Reddest Quasars -- further observations of the "Red Menace"
- M. Lacy (SIRTF Science Center, Caltech), M.D. Gregg, R.H. Becker (UC Davis/IGPP, Lawrence Livermore Labs), R.L. White (STScI), E. Glikman, D.J. Helfand (Columbia University)
- 5.04 Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Near-Infrared--Selected QSOs
- P.S. Smith, E.M. Huff, G.D. Schmidt, D.C. Hines (Steward Observatory), R.M. Cutri, B.O. Nelson (IPAC, Caltech), B.J. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 5.05 HST and VLA Observations of the jet of 3C273
- D.A. Russell (STScI/Jodrell Bank Observatory,University of Manchester), C.P. O'Dea, S.A. Baum (STScI), J.P. Leahy (Jodrell Bank Observatory,University of Manchester)
- 5.06 X-ray Imaging of a Complete Sample of Quasar Jets
- H.L. Marshall, B.P. Miller (MIT), D.A. Schwartz, D. Worrall, M. Birkinshaw (SAO), E.S. Perlman (UMBC), J. Lovell, D. Jauncey, D.W. Murphy (CSIRO), R.A. Preston (JPL)
- 5.07 Morphology, Kinematics, Spectra, and Polarization of Parsec-scale Jets in Lobe-dominated Quasars: Recent Results
- D. H. Hough, N. Wing, J. P. Linick (Trinity U.), S. M. Escobedo (Trinity U. and San Antonio College), K. E. Legal, W. R. Lester (Trinity U.)
- 5.08 Intriguing Microvariability Observations of PKS 0736+017
- S. D. Clements (Florida Tech, SARA), F. Reyes, D. Clark, C. Gomez (U. Florida), A. Jenks, Y. Torres (Florida Tech, SARA)
- 5.09 Hydrodynamic Models of QSO Disk Winds
- D. J. Hillier, N. A. Pereyra, D. A. Turnshek (University of Pittsburgh), S. P. Owocki (University of Delaware)
- 5.10 A Chandra/ACIS & HST/STIS Study of Well Resolved Outflow/ISM Interactions in NGC 3079 & NGC 1068
- G. Cecil (UNC-CH), S. Veilleux (U. Maryland), B. Groves, M. Dopita (Australian National University)
- 5.11 Broad-line, X-ray Faint AGN: A New Population
- H. Ghosh, B. J. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), R. M. Cutri (IPAC), D. C. Hines (Steward Obs.), B. Nelson (IPAC), G. D. Schmidt, P. S. Smith (Steward Obs.)
- 5.12 The relation of quasars to galaxy clusters: circumstances of quasar formation and fuelling
- I. K. Soechting, R. G. Clowes (University of Central Lancashire, UK), L. E. Campusano (Universidad de Chile)
- 5.13 Observations of quasar hosts with the Lick Adaptive Optics system
- E. L. Gates (UCO/Lick Observatory), Mark Lacy (Caltech/LLNL/UC-Davis), S. E. Ridgway (Johns Hopkins), W. H. de Vries, G. Canalizo (LLNL)
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