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H.L. Marshall, B.P. Miller (MIT), D.A. Schwartz, D. Worrall, M. Birkinshaw (SAO), E.S. Perlman (UMBC), J. Lovell, D. Jauncey, D.W. Murphy (CSIRO), R.A. Preston (JPL)
We present preliminary results from our X-ray imaging survey of a complete, flux-limited sample of quasar jets using the {\em Chandra} X-ray Observatory. We detected X-ray jets from two of five new observations in {\em Chandra} exposures of only 5 ks. Including two other targets from our sample that were observed by Sambruna et al. (2002, Ap.J., in press), we have 4 X-ray jets in 7 objects. The targets were selected from complete, flux-limited radio samples that have been mapped using the Australian Telescope Compact Array and the Very Large Array to an angular resolution of 1", matching the Chandra point response function. The new X-ray jets show good correspondence to the radio images except that X-rays are not detected from lobe structures, ending where the radio jets change directions in PKS 1202-262 and PKS 0208-512. We have also obtained deep optical images of several of the jets in order to measure their spectral energy distributions. Another 10 targets are scheduled for observation by June 2002, so preliminary results for any new jets will also be presented as they are available. This work has been supported in part by GO grant G02-3151A from SAO and NASA contract NAS8-39073 to the {\em Chandra} X-ray Center.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: hermanm@space.mit.edu
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34
© 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.