AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 6. Cosmology, The Early Universe
Display, Monday, June 3, 2002,
9:20am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 6.01 X-ray emission from the z~5 universe
- T. Miyaji, R.E. Griffiths (Carnegie Mellon University), K. Ohta, I. Iwata (Kyoto University), M. Akiyama (Subaru Telescope, NAOJ)
- 6.02 Comparing Large Aperture Fluxes to 2MASS XSC Fluxes
- L.R. Levenson, E.L. Wright (UCLA Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
- 6.03 ACBAR Measurements of CMB Angular Power Spectrum
- C.L. Kuo, M. Daub, W. Holzapfel, M. Newcomb (UC Berkeley), J. Goldstein, J. Ruhl, E. Torbet (UC Santa Babara), J. Bock (JPL), A. Lange, M. Runyan (Caltech), J. Peterson (Carnegie-Mellon University), P. Ade (Cardiff University)
- 6.04 First Flight of ARCADE CMB Instrument
- A. Kogut, E. Wollack (Code 685 NASA/GSFC), P. Mirel, D. Fixsen (SSAI), M. Limon (NRC), S. Levin, M. Seiffert (JPL), P. Lubin (UCSB)
- 6.05 Can Gamma-ray Bursts Help Constrain Cosmological Parameters?
- J. M. Anderson (NMT/NRAO)
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