AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 6. Cosmology, The Early Universe

Display, Monday, June 3, 2002, 9:20am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall

6.01 X-ray emission from the z~5 universe
T. Miyaji, R.E. Griffiths (Carnegie Mellon University), K. Ohta, I. Iwata (Kyoto University), M. Akiyama (Subaru Telescope, NAOJ)
6.02 Comparing Large Aperture Fluxes to 2MASS XSC Fluxes
L.R. Levenson, E.L. Wright (UCLA Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)
6.03 ACBAR Measurements of CMB Angular Power Spectrum
C.L. Kuo, M. Daub, W. Holzapfel, M. Newcomb (UC Berkeley), J. Goldstein, J. Ruhl, E. Torbet (UC Santa Babara), J. Bock (JPL), A. Lange, M. Runyan (Caltech), J. Peterson (Carnegie-Mellon University), P. Ade (Cardiff University)
6.04 First Flight of ARCADE CMB Instrument
A. Kogut, E. Wollack (Code 685 NASA/GSFC), P. Mirel, D. Fixsen (SSAI), M. Limon (NRC), S. Levin, M. Seiffert (JPL), P. Lubin (UCSB)
6.05 Can Gamma-ray Bursts Help Constrain Cosmological Parameters?
J. M. Anderson (NMT/NRAO)

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