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C.L. Martin, A.A. Stark, A.P. Lane, S. Kim (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
We have imaged a three-quarter of a square degree region around the Galactic Center in the CO(7-6), CO(4-3), CI(3P2-3P1), and CI(3P1-3P0) transitions using the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO). The data are fully-sampled and have a velocity resolution of 0.6 km s-1. These maps show greater detail over a considerably larger region than has been mapped previously by ourselves or other groups. Bright CO(7-6) emission is detected in the well-known Galactic Center clouds Sgr A and Sgr B. We also detect CO(4-3) absorption at vLSR = -4 km s-1 along the line of sight toward the Galactic Center. Using a comparison of the CO(7-6) and CO(4-3) intensities with observations of CO(1-0) and 13CO(1-0), an LVG model is applied to estimate the kinetic temperature and density of the entire mapped region.
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The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: cmartin@cfa.harvard.edu
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