AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 33. Gaseous Galaxy Halos and Edges of Disk Galaxies
Topical Session Oral, Tuesday, June 4, 2002,
8:30-10:00am, 10:45am-12:30pm, 2:00-3:30pm, 3:45-5:30pm, Ballroom A
- 33.01 Overview of Disk/Halo Flows
- K. Ferriere (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, Toulouse)
- 33.02 Theories of Halo Gas Energetics
- J.D. Slavin (SAO)
- 33.03 HI Structure of Edge-on Galaxies
- J. A. Irwin (Queen's University, Canada)
- 33.04 HI Tracers of the Local Group Mass Distribution
- R. Braun (Astron), V. De Heij, W.B. Burton (Leiden Univ.)
- 33.05 High-Velocity Clouds, Where Art Thou?
- M.E. Putman (CASA, University of Colorado)
- 33.06 Observations of Extraplanar Star Formation
- A. M. N. Ferguson (Kapteyn Institute, Groningen)
- 33.07 New Results on X-ray Halos around Nearby edge-on Disk Galaxies
- Q. D. Wang (University of Massachusetts)
- 33.08 Searching for the Outer Boundary of the Milky Way Disk Using the Green Bank Telescope
- F. J. Lockman (NRAO - Green Bank), J. M. Dickey (University of Minnesota), N. M. McClure-Griffiths (Australia Telescope National Facility)
- 33.09 Diffuse, Warm Ionized Gas
- L.M. Haffner (Wisconsin)
- 33.10 The Detection of O VI Emission in the Halos of Spiral Galaxies
- E. M. Murphy (Univ. of Virginia)
- 33.11 Absorption Line Studies of Milky Way Halo Gas
- J.C. Howk (Johns Hopkins)
- 33.12 FUSE Studies of Atomic and Molecular Gas in Halos
- P. Richter (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- 33.13 ISM-IGM Interaction and Edges of Disks
- P. Maloney (CASA, Univ. of Colorado)
- 33.14 Properties of the Intragroup Medium
- J.S. Mulchaey (Carnegie Observatories)
- 33.15 Using QSO Absorption Lines to Study Gaseous Halos and Galaxy Edges
- T. M. Tripp (Princeton University Observatory)
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