AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 42. Gaseous Galaxy Halos and Galaxy Edges
Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002,
10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 42.01 FUSE and STIS Observations of Highly Ionized Gas along the Line of Sight towards HD 116852
- A. J. Fox, B. D. Savage, D. Fabian, P. Richter (UW - Madison), K. R. Sembach (STScI), D. M. Meyer, J. Lauroesch (Northwestern), J. C. Howk (Johns Hopkins)
- 42.02 Exploring Faint, Large-Scale Filaments in the Warm Ionized Medium of the Galaxy
- G.J. Madsen, R.J. Reynolds, L.M. Haffner (Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison)
- 42.03 Deep H{\sc i} imaging of NGC 6946, a new view on bubbles and high velocity gas
- R. Boomsma, J.M. van der Hulst (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, NL), T.A. Oosterloo (N.F.R.A, Dwingeloo, NL), R. Sancisi (Osservatorio Astronomico, Bologna, It and Kapteyn Astr. Inst., Groningen, NL)
- 42.04 A Ballistic Model for the Rotation of Diffuse Ionized Gas Halos
- J. A. Collins (University of Colorado), R. A. Benjamin (University of Wisconsin), R. J. Rand (University of New Mexico)
- 42.05 Rotation of Extraplanar Gas: Comparing Ballistic and Hydrostatic Models
- R. Benjamin (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- 42.06 How Sharp Is the Edge of the Milky Way Disk ?
- J. M. Dickey (University of Minnesota), F. J. Lockman (NRAO - Green Bank), N. M. McClure-Griffiths (Australia Telescope National Facility)
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