AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 43. Galaxies
Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002,
10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 43.01 Calibrating [\ion{O}{2}]/H\alpha as a Star Formation Indicator
- J. Moustakas, R.C. Kennicutt (University of Arizona)
- 43.02 STARFORM Survey: HII Region Luminosity Functions of Nearby Spirals
- S. Hameed (Smith College/UMass), D. Thilker (NRAO), R. Walterbos (NMSU), N. Devereux (ERAU), C. Hoopes (JHU), J. Kenney (Yale University)
- 43.03 Star Formation Properties of HI Selected Galaxies I. Overall properties
- J. F. Helmboldt, R. A. M. Walterbos (NMSU), G. D. Bothun (U. of Oregon), K. O'Neil (NAIC/Cornell), W. J. G. de Blok (ATNF)
- 43.04 Star Formation Properties of HI Selected Galaxies II. HII Regions Characteristics
- R. A. M. Walterbos, J. F. Helmboldt (NMSU), G. D. Bothun (U. of Oregon), K. O'Neil (NAIC/Cornell)
- 43.05 The Infrared Spectral Energy Distribution of Normal Star-Forming Galaxies: Calibration at Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Wavelengths
- D. A. Dale (University of Wyoming), G. Helou (Caltech)
- 43.06 Keck H and K Spectroscopy of UGC5101: Probing the AGN and Starburst Components
- M.H. Christopher, N.Z. Scoville, E. Schinnerer (Caltech), L. Armus, D. Frayer (IPAC/SIRTF Science Center)
- 43.07 Star Forming Knots in the UV Bright Interacting Galaxies NGC 3395 and NGC 3396
- M. Hancock, D. Weistrop, D. Eggers (UNLV), C. H. Nelson (Drake University)
- 43.08 ACS Observations of Star Clusters in Merging Galaxies
- H.D. Tran, H.C. Ford (Johns Hopkins University), G.D. Illingworth (UCO/Lick Observatory), N. Benitez, J.P. Blakeslee, A.R. Martel, G.R. Meurer, M. Sirianni, Z.I. Tsvetanov (Johns Hopkins University)
- 43.09 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Globular Clusters in the Face-on Galaxies UGC 5981 & UGC 6614
- J. Kim, S. McGaugh (Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland)
- 43.10 Environmental Dependencies for Star Formation Triggered by Expanding Shell Collapse
- B.G. Elmegreen (IBM Watson), J. Palous, S. Ehlerova (Astron Inst., Czech Acad. of Sciences)
- 43.11 Arm Structure in Anemic Spiral Galaxies
- D.M. Elmegreen (Vassar Coll.), J.A. Frogel (OSU), P. Eskridge (Minn. State U.), R.W. Pogge (OSU), A. Gallagher (Vassar Coll.), J. Iams (Williams Coll.)
- 43.12 ``A Beautiful Galaxy :" Further HST Evidence and Mechanisms for Two Leading Arms in NGC 4622
- G. Byrd, R. Buta (U. of AL), T. Freeman (Bevill State Coll.)
- 43.13 The Distribution of Disk Stars in Type II Galaxies
- K.S.J. Anderson (New Mexico State University), S.M. Baggett (Space Telescope Science Institute), W.E. Baggett (Computer Sciences Corporation)
- 43.14 Observations of Galaxies with the Spatial Infrared Imaging Telescope on the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX)
- S. D. Price (AFRL/VSB), K. E. Kraemer (AFRL/VSBT), S. J. Carey, D. R. Mizuno (Boston College)
- 43.15 The Central Kiloparsec of NGC 4303: Gas Dynamics in a Double-Barred Galaxy
- E. Schinnerer (Caltech), W. Maciejewski (Arcetri, Krakow), L.A. Moustakas (Univ. of Oxford), N.Z. Scoville (Caltech)
- 43.16 Molecular Gas in Elliptical Galaxies: Distribution and Kinematics
- L. M. Young (New Mexico Tech)
- 43.17 Infall of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC\,1404 into the Fornax Cluster
- A. Dosaj, C. J. Forman, W. R. Forman, M. L. Markevitch, A. A. Vikhlinin (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- 43.18 Chandra Observations of NGC 507
- N. Laslo, W.R. Forman, C.F. Jones, M. Markevitch, A. Vikhlinin, S. Murray (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
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