AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 46. Astrophysics in the Local Group
Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002,
10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 46.01 Evidence for Substructure in the Halo of M31
- A. M. N. Ferguson (Kapteyn Institute, Groningen), M. J. Irwin (Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge), R. A. Ibata (Observatoire de Strasbourg), G. F. Lewis (Anglo-Australian Observatory), N. R. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire)
- 46.02 Spectral and temporal properties of X-ray sources in Andromeda Galaxy: first results from XMM-Newton survey.
- S. P. Trudolyubov, W. Priedhorsky, K. Borozdin, R. Shirey (Los Alamos National Laboratory), K. Mason (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK), F. Cordova (University of California, Santa Barbara), J. Osborne, M. Watson (University of Leicester, UK)
- 46.03 The HST Local Group Stellar Populations Archive
- J. A. Holtzman, C. Afonso (NMSU), A. Dolphin (NOAO)
- 46.04 Structural Parameters of the Small Magellanic Cloud
- K. Knierman, D. Zaritsky (Steward Obs. U. Arizona)
- 46.05 A UBVR CCD Survey of the Magellanic Clouds
- P. Massey (Lowell Observatory)
- 46.06 Microlensing search towards SMC using DIA
- L. Le Guillou (CEA), EROS Collaboration
- 46.07 The Structure of the Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy From SDSS Data
- E. K. Grebel, M. Odenkirchen, D. Harbeck (MPIA)
- 46.08 Chemical Abundances in the Stellar Populations of the Leo I and Leo II dSph Galaxies
- T. L. Bosler, T. A. Smecker-Hane (UCI), P. B. Stetson (NRC/HIA/DAO)
- 46.09 The Discovery of New Wolf-Rayet Star Candidates in the Starburst Galaxy IC10
- S. B. Holmes, P. Massey (Lowell Observatory)
- 46.10 XMM-Newton observations of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
- F. Walter (California Institute of Technology), J. Kerp (Radioastronoisches Institut Bonn)
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