AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 47. Telescopes and Education
Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002,
10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall
- 47.01 Telescopes in Education: the Little Thompson Observatory
- A.E. Schweitzer (Vastera, Inc., Little Thompson Observatory (LTO)), T.T. Melsheimer (Meridian Controls, LTO)
- 47.02 Scopes for Schools: What do students know about light and mirrors?
- K. Stassun, D. Fabian (University of Wisconsin), G. Brissenden (CDES), J. Lattis (University of Wisconsin)
- 47.03 Internet Access to a 4.6-m Radio Telescope for High Schools
- M. W. Castelaz, J. D. Cline (PARI), D. A. Moffett (Furman Univ.), J. Case (Brevard H.S.), J. Daugherty (UNC-Asheville)
- 47.04 Hosting the Student Telescope Network First Site
- M. Rice (New Mexico Skies), S.T.M.D. Bisque (Software Bisque), R.E. Stencel (Denver Univ.)
- 47.05 The Student Telescope Network (STN) Experiment
- R.E. Stencel, H.A. Harland (Denver Univ.), R. Hannahoe (Astronomical League), S.T.M.D. Bisque (Software Bisque), M. Rice (New Mexico Skies)
- 47.06 Paramount Tracking and Pointing Accuracy Plus Browser Control: As Applied in the Student Telescope Network and Beyond
- S. Bisque (Software Bisque), M. Rice (New Mexico Skies, Inc.), R.E. Stencel (Denver Univ. Observatories)
- 47.07 Joel Stebbins and Light Pollution
- R. H. Garstang (JILA, Univ. Colo. and NIST)
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