AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 47. Telescopes and Education

Display, Tuesday, June 4, 2002, 10:00am-6:30pm, SW Exhibit Hall

47.01 Telescopes in Education: the Little Thompson Observatory
A.E. Schweitzer (Vastera, Inc., Little Thompson Observatory (LTO)), T.T. Melsheimer (Meridian Controls, LTO)
47.02 Scopes for Schools: What do students know about light and mirrors?
K. Stassun, D. Fabian (University of Wisconsin), G. Brissenden (CDES), J. Lattis (University of Wisconsin)
47.03 Internet Access to a 4.6-m Radio Telescope for High Schools
M. W. Castelaz, J. D. Cline (PARI), D. A. Moffett (Furman Univ.), J. Case (Brevard H.S.), J. Daugherty (UNC-Asheville)
47.04 Hosting the Student Telescope Network First Site
M. Rice (New Mexico Skies), S.T.M.D. Bisque (Software Bisque), R.E. Stencel (Denver Univ.)
47.05 The Student Telescope Network (STN) Experiment
R.E. Stencel, H.A. Harland (Denver Univ.), R. Hannahoe (Astronomical League), S.T.M.D. Bisque (Software Bisque), M. Rice (New Mexico Skies)
47.06 Paramount Tracking and Pointing Accuracy Plus Browser Control: As Applied in the Student Telescope Network and Beyond
S. Bisque (Software Bisque), M. Rice (New Mexico Skies, Inc.), R.E. Stencel (Denver Univ. Observatories)
47.07 Joel Stebbins and Light Pollution
R. H. Garstang (JILA, Univ. Colo. and NIST)

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