AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 78. ISM, SNR, AGB and PNe
Oral, Thursday, June 6, 2002,
10:00-11:30am, Ballroom B
- 78.01 First Results of the HD FUSE Survey
- S. Lacour (Johns Hopkins University), F. Le Petit (Obs. Paris-Meudon), P. Sonnentrucker (Johns Hopkins University), M. André, J.M. Désert, R. Ferlet (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), E. Roueff (Obs. Paris-Meudon)
- 78.02 Strong scintillations and Levy flights through the interstellar medium
- S. Boldyrev (ITP, Santa Barbara), C. Gwinn (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- 78.03 The Sizes of OH (1720 MHz) Supernova Remnant Masers: MERLIN and VLBA Observations of IC 443
- I. M. Hoffman (NRAO/UNM), W. M. Goss, C. L. Brogan, M. J Claussen (NRAO), A. M. S. Richards (NRAL/JBO)
- 78.04 Supernova Remnant (SNR) Masers and their Relationship to Mixed Morphology SNRs
- F. Yusef-Zadeh (Northwestern U.), M. Wardle (University of Sydney), D.A. Roberts (Northwestern U.), J. Rho (IPAC)
- 78.05 Evolution of Hot Spots in Supernova Remnant 1987A
- B.E.K. Sugerman (Columbia U.), S.S. Lawrence (Hofstra U.), A.P.S. Crotts (Columbia U.), P.M. Garnavich (Notre Dame), R.P. Kirshner (CfA), P. Challis (U. Oklahoma), Supernova INtensive Studies (SINS) Collaboration
- 78.06 The Twisting Jet from the Vela Pulsar
- M. A. Teter, G. G. Pavlov, D. Sanwal, O. Kargaltsev (Penn State University)
- 78.07 Water in Arcturus' Atmosphere
- N. Ryde, D. L. Lambert, M. J. Richter, J. H. Lacy (The University of Texas at Austin)
- 78.08 Systematic Errors In Elemental Abundances Derived From Nebular Spectra
- B.D. Moore (Rice Univ.), J.J. Hester (Arizona State Univ.), R.J. Dufour (Rice Univ.)
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