AAS 200th meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 81. Astronomy Education and Public Outreach

Oral, Thursday, June 6, 2002, 10:00-11:30am, Mesilla

81.01 Color in Astronomy
K. Brecher (Boston U.)
81.02 Turning a problem into an opportunity using the Fox Network's ``Conspiracy Theory: Did we land on the moon?" as a tool to improve student thinking on science and pseudoscience.
G. E. Mechler (Pima Community College)
81.03 The Development of an Interactive Web-Based Astronomy Course
N. Duric, G. Heald (University of New Mexico)
81.04 Incorporating Service Learning into the Introductory Astronomy Course
K. Mukherjee (Slippery Rock University)
81.05 The Radio JOVE Project: An Interactive, Hands-on, Radio Astronomy Experience for Students or the General Public
J. Thieman (NASA/GSFC)
81.06 Astronomy Outreach for Kids: Using Informal Education to Support Education Reform
J. Noel-Storr (Columbia University)
81.07 The Canadian Astronomy Education and Public Outreach Initiative
J. R. Percy (U. Toronto)

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