DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
Session 10. Outer Planet Chemistry and Thermal Structure
Oral, Chair(s): G. Schubert and H. Hammel, Monday, October 7, 2002, 5:00-6:00pm, Room M

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[10.06] Jupiter's tropospheric composition from Cassini/CIRS observations

T. Fouchet, P.G.J. Irwin, P. Parrish (Oxford University), C.A. Nixon (Univ. Maryland /GSFC), V.G. Kunde (GSFC), CIRS Team

From October 2000 up to March 2001the Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) aboard the Cassini mission observed Jupiter between 10 and 1400 cm-1, with a spectral resolution down to \Delta\nu=0.5_,cm-1. The CIRS instrument is composed of three focal planes: FP1 (10--600~cm-1), FP3 (600-1100~cm-1), and FP4 (1100--1400~cm-1). The focal planes FP3 and FP4 were able to achieve a spatial resolution down to 2.5\circ of latitude at the equator, while the FP1 mapped only a 30\circ-wide region on the planet.

In this presentation, we will mainly present the results obtained in terms of global tropospheric composition and its spatial variability. The global composition is retrieved from the FP1-range, which displays the rotational lines from CH4, HD, PH3, NH3. The FP3-range is used to determine the spatial variation of the NH3 abundance and relative humidity and to give a new measurement of the 15N/14N isotopic ratio.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, #3< br> © 2002. The American Astronomical Soceity.