DPS 34th Meeting, October 2002
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 10. Outer Planet Chemistry and Thermal Structure

Oral, Chair(s): G. Schubert and H. Hammel, Monday, October 7, 2002, 5:00-6:00pm, Room M

10.01 Ion Drag Effects on Gravity Wave Heating and Cooling in Jupiter�s Thermosphere
G. Schubert (UCLA), D. A. Lamb, M.P. Hickey (Clemson University), R.L. Walterscheid (The Aerospace Corporation)
10.02 Neptune's Ethane Abundance and Uranus' Lack Thereof
H. B. Hammel (Space Sci. Inst.), D. K. Lynch, R. W. Russell (Aerospace Corp.), M. L. Sitko (U. Cinc.), E. Polomski (U. Minn.)
10.03 Inhomogeneous Evolution of Giant Planets: Jupiter and Saturn
J. J. Fortney, W. B. Hubbard (LPL -- U. of Arizona)
10.04 Ethane and Temperature on Saturn; Spatial and Temporal Variation
T. Kostiuk, K. E. Fast (NASA GSFC), T. A. Livengood (Challenger Ctr.), F. Schm�lling (U. Cologne), T. Hewagama (U MD), D. Buhl, P. Romani (NASA GSFC), H. U. Kaufl (ESO)
10.05 A New Infrared Heterodyne Search for Ethane in the Stratosphere of Uranus
T. A. Livengood (Challenger Ctr), H. B. Hammel (Space Sci. Inst.), Th. Kostiuk, J. N. Annen, K. E. Fast (NASA's GSFC), T. Hewagama (U. of MD), F. Schmülling (U. Cologne, Germany), D. Buhl (NASA's GSFC)
10.06 Jupiter's tropospheric composition from Cassini/CIRS observations
T. Fouchet, P.G.J. Irwin, P. Parrish (Oxford University), C.A. Nixon (Univ. Maryland /GSFC), V.G. Kunde (GSFC), CIRS Team

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