AAS 201st Meeting, January , 2003
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 13. Galaxy - Structure
Poster, Monday, January 6, 2003,
9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall AB
- 13.01 Stellar Mass-to-Light Ratios and Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies
- R.S. de Jong (STScI), E.F. Bell (MPIA), S. Courteau (UBC), R.P. Olling (USNO)
- 13.02U Modeling the Dark Matter Halo Properties of Cluster Galaxies
- M. Eftimova (DePaul University), D.A. Dale (University of Wyoming)
- 13.03 The Stellar and Dark Matter Halo of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)
- E. W. Peng (Johns Hopkins University), H. C. Ford (Johns Hopkins University, STScI), K. C. Freeman (RSAA, Australian National University)
- 13.04 Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Globular Clusters in the Face-on Galaxies UGC 5981 & UGC 6614
- J. H. Kim, S.S. McGaugh (University of Maryland)
- 13.05U A 21-cm Neutral Hydrogen Study of Arp 213
- S. J. Wells (Columbus State University), C. E. Simpson (Florida International University)
- 13.06U A Warp in the Large Magellanic Cloud Disk?
- C. Salyk (MIT), K.A.G. Olsen (CTIO, NOAO)
- 13.07U Population Studies of Galaxies Satellites in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- A. E. Kimball, T. A. McKay (University of Michigan), H.-W. Rix, E. Grebel (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie), E. S. Sheldon (CfCP, University of Chicago)
- 13.08 Tracing the Mass of Early-type Galaxies using Planetary Nebulae
- A. P. N. Sluis, T. B. William (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
- 13.09 Uncertainties in Spiral Galaxy Projection Parameters
- E.I. Barnes, J.A. Sellwood (Rutgers University)
- 13.10 Stellar vs. Dynamical Mass Estimates for Ellipticals in the SDSS
- N. Padmanabhan (Princeton University), G. Kauffmann (Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik), U. Seljak, M.A. Strauss (Princeton University)
- 13.11 The Kinematics of M33's Disk Planetary Nebulae
- P.R. Durrell, R. Ciardullo, M.B. Laychak (PSU), G.H. Jacoby (WIYN), J.J. Feldmeier (CWRU), K. Moody (PSU)
- 13.12 The Stellar Kinematics of Spiral Galaxies with a Boxy/Peanut-Shaped Bulge
- A. Chung, M. Bureau (Columbia University)
- 13.13U Galaxy classification by shapelet decomposition in the SDSS Early Data Release
- B. C. Kelly, T. A. McKay (University of Michigan)
- 13.14 Leading Pairs and Trailing Single Spiral Arms: Observations and Simulations of NGC4622
- G. Byrd (Univ. of Alabama), T. Freeman (Bevill State Coll., Alabama), R. Buta (Univ. of Alabama)
- 13.15 Bipolar Outflow Offset from the Nucleus of M33
- P.W.A. Roming (PSU), J.W. Moody, M.L. Hintz (BYU), K. Wu, R. Soria (MSSL)
- 13.16 Thick and thin disk structural parameters in edge-on spiral galaxies
- P. Yoachim, J. Dalcanton (University of Washington)
- 13.17 Radial Structure in Molecular and Stellar Disks of BIMA SONG Galaxies
- M.D. Thornley, C.J.L. Spohn-Larkins (Bucknell University), M.W. Regan (STScI), K. Sheth (OVRO-Caltech)
- 13.18 Model independent measurements of bar pattern speeds
- J. Gerssen (STScI), K. Kuijken (Sterrewacht Leiden), M. R. Merrifield (University of Nottingham)
- 13.19 Rotation Curve Mass Modeling of Disk Galaxies
- A.A. Dutton, S. Courteau (University of British Columbia)
- 13.20 The H I Feature at l = 197, b = +2 , v = �30 to �87 km/s: an LSB Dwarf at 100 kpc with a 42-deg Tidal Streamer
- S. C. Simonson (LLNL)
- 13.21 On the Spiral Structure of NGC2915 and Dark Matter
- M. Bureau (Columbia University), F. S. Masset (CE-Saclay)
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