HEAD 2003 Meeting
Session 22. Missions, Instruments and Data Analysis
Poster, Sunday-Wednesday, March 23, 2003, Duration of Meeting

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[22.29] Deconvolving Chandra Images Using EMC2

M. Karovska (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), D. Esch, D. van Dyk (Harvard University)

Chandra high-angular resolution images of numerous X-ray sources reveal multi-scale structures with unprecedented detail and clarity. The High Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA) PSF combined with the small pixel sizes of the detectors, and with the nearly negligible aspect blurring produces sharper images then any other X-ray telescope to date (FWHM of the on-axis PSF is less than 0.5''). However, the size and the shape of the PSF changes significantly as a function of off-axis angle and the spectral energy distribution of the source, and therefore it is difficult to access the high-resolution spatial structures in many off-axis sources. The accurate knowledge of the PSF is crucial to the multi-scale analysis of the characteristics of the observed source.

We describe here the results from our study of high-resolution spatial structures in several Chandra sources obtained using model PSFs from the recently released Chandra Ray Tracer (ChaRT) and a new multi-scale deconvolution technique EMC2.

M.K. is a member of the Chandra Science Center, which is operated under contract NAS8-39073, and is partially supported by NASA.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 35#2
© 2003. The American Astronomical Soceity.